Sunday, January 31, 2010

SGQ # 11


Guiding questions:

Why did the Cold War spread from Europe to other parts of the world after 1950?

For what reasons, and with what results for East-West relations, did the superpowers become involved
in the affairs of one of the following: Korea; Vietnam; the Middle East?

What were the effects of the Korean War on international relations?

MWH p. 143-147

1. Background
a. Explain the evolution of control of Korea from 1910 to 1948
Korea had been under Japanese occupation since 1910 -> After Japanese were defeated in August 1945, America and USSR divided Korea into 2 sections along 38th parallel to 'guide their half's withdrawal of Japanese' and then in August/September 1948 they each set up a government in their half of Korea - the Americans/UN the independent Republic of Korea w/ Syngman Rhee as president and its capital at Seoul, and USSR the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
b. What was the leadership situation in Korea in 1949?
America + USSR had removed troops, and Syngman Rhee became a "ruthless authoritarian", and Kim II Sung (North Korea) was even worse, modeling after Stalin and arresting/executing many of his critics

2. Why did the North invade the South (June 1950)?
Possible answers:
a. Kim's idea - It was his own idea, encouraged by Dean Acheson's lacking to include Korea in his earlier statement of areas the US would protect

b. Chinese role - Kim Il Sung was encouraged by new Communist gov't (who was getting ready to attack Chiang Kai-shek)

c. Russian role - Stalin/Russians wanted to test Truman's determination. They had already supplied North Korea, and a victory over the south would strengthen their position and make up for their loss against the americans in West Berlin

d. S. Korea's role - Communists claim that Syngman Rhee's troops had crossed the 38th parallel

3. What did the USA do?
a. Why did Truman decide to intervene?
i. he saw it as Stalin's doing and a big plan to spread communism
ii. the invasion could be seen as similar to Hitler's policies in the 1930s (appeasement had failed then, so they shouldn't use it now)
iii. Truman was determined to support the UN because the USA had not supported the League and it had been bad.
iv. [Democrat] Truman wanted to dispel Republican attacks about not taking action against communism and them working for the USSR
b. What nations joined the US in support of S. Korea?
14 other countries also sent troops after UN ordered members to send help. (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Nationalist China, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Columbia, Greece, Turkey, Panama, Phillipines, Thailand and Britain)
c. Briefly summarize the course of the war in 1950
By september, communists had captured all but port of Pusan in south-east South Korea -> american troops land in Pusan and clear Seoul -> communist forces collapse -> Truman (w/ approval of UN) orders invasion of North Korea to unite country for free elections
d. How and why did China get involved?
They became alarmed that America was at its border (of Manchuria) and had a fleet between them and Taiwan (Chiang kai-shek), so they sent a full offensive (>300,000 troops) and drove the americans back down through Korea and captured Seoul. [But then the americans fought their way back to the mid line of Korea)
e. How did the war end?
Peace talks came to a close in 1953 w/ an agreement that the border should be along the 38th parallel (pretty much where it had been before the war)

4. What were the results of the war?
a. Korea - Disaster: ~4 million Korean soldiers and civilians killed, 5 million people homeless, Division seemed permanent (each side suspicious, ceasefire agreements often broken)

b. the US - Some satisfaction from having contained communism and American rearmament, but lost opportunity to destroy communism in China

c. the UN - had successfully exerted authority and reversed aggression, but communists called it a capitalist tool

d. China - had put up impressive fight against americans and prevented korean unification -> was clearly a world power, but still denied seat in UN

e. the Cold War - American relations now permanently strained with Russia and China, especially because of situation with Taiwan. --> China tries to build up alliances with struggling communists in other countries (India and Burma), and America tries to set up bases around China while allying with Asian states (South East Asia Treaty Organization)

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