Tuesday, November 24, 2009

IRL #8


This is a news article about China's past 60 years of censorship; it was published on October 1, 2009 by 'Reporters Without Borders', although no one author is specified. It connects to what we're learning in class because it's about Mao's imposing of stringent censorship regulations in the time of his rule, and the Communist government's continuance of that for the past 60 years into modern day China. It enhances what we've learned by providing details about which agencies/newspapers (for example, People's Daily) continue to be directly controlled by the government, a sort of timeline of the editorial/journalistic loss of freedom in China, and a visual (picture) of a propaganda poster. A limitation when using this source is that it does not cite the quotes and information it uses, so it is difficult to place full trust in their claims.

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